3 beaches posted as unsafe for swimming in Niagara


Published September 1, 2023 at 3:06 pm

niagara beach unsafe
Photo by Karen Longwell

As we head into the long weekend, three Niagara beaches have been posted as unsafe for swimming.

Just as Niagara Region, and much of Ontario is expecting a heatwave and many people look for ways to cool off, Niagara Region Public Health is suggesting people stay away from three beaches.

As of Aug. 31, Reebs Bay in Wainfleet, Queen’s Royal Beach in Niagara-on-the-Lake, and Crescent Beach in Fort Erie were posted due to high levels of E. coli, according to Niagara Region Public Health.

Swimming in beaches with high levels of bacteria could cause infections in ears, eyes, nose, throat and skin as well as cause diarrhea if the water is ingested.

A number of factors can cause bacteria levels to rise including a large number of swimmers, wind and high waves, a large number of birds, and heavy rainfall in the last 24 to 48 hours.

This is the final weekend for the report — Niagara Region Public Health’s beach monitoring program operates annually from Victoria Day to Labour Day.

Each beach is sampled between one to six times per week, based on annual assessments and public usage.

For more information see the Niagara Region Public Health page here.

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