Counterfeit pills “significantly stronger than Fentanyl” seized in the Niagara Region


Published September 26, 2024 at 10:36 am

Counterfeit pills "stronger than fentanyl" found in Niagara

In a recent seizure, local authorities intercepted a shipment of counterfeit Percocets in the Niagara Region. 

According to a release from yesterday (Sept. 25), detectives with Niagra Regional Police’s Opioid Enforcement and Education Unit seized a shipment of pills that bore a striking resemblance to the prescription opioid Percocet (oxycodone and acetaminophen) this past August.

However, upon closer inspection and testing, it was revealed that the seized narcotics were counterfeit. 

Specifically, these pills were not Percocets but in fact, Benzimidazole (Protonitazene), which authorities indicated is a synthetic opioid significantly stronger than Fentanyl. 

Counterfeit Percocet Niagara

Due to such potency, this chemical mixture is not prescribed to humans and has no medical use in the modern pharmaceutical sphere. 

As a byproduct of this seizure, authorities in the Niagara Region are urging residents who may have these illegal narcotics to be extremely cautious when choosing to use them.

This includes having access to drug testing kits, readily available Naloxone and being able to recognize the signs of a potential overdose.

Niagara authorities urge residents to contact them immediately with any information on additional shipments of these counterfeit products.

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