Flu vaccine available for all end of October, says Niagara health unit


Published October 5, 2023 at 9:41 am

A nurse prepares an injection of the influenza vaccine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston in 2013.

While the Niagara Region Public Health has just one confirmed case of the flu so far for the 2023-2024 season, the flu vaccine should be available to everyone by the end of the month.

The NRPH said the vaccine will be available earlier this month to those considered high-risk, such as those who are pregnant, the elderly, young children, Indigenous people, and those with underlying health conditions.

For everyone else, “We expect the flu vaccine to be available for everyone starting Oct. 30.”

The slow return of COVID-19 to the Niagara area also has the health unit concerned about the possibility of increased respiratory infections that are widespread during colder months.

“Respiratory illnesses spread both through the air from breathing and talking, through droplets we expel by coughing or sneezing, and through contact with surfaces or objects contaminated with the virus,” said the HRPH. “The elderly, children, and persons with underlying medical conditions are most at risk of severe health outcomes.”

With COVID-19 cases reported every Friday by the region, there were 361 active cases as of Sept. 29.

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