Lincoln Mayor the second in Niagara to catch COVID-19


Published April 12, 2022 at 9:26 am

Like St. Catharines Mayor Walter Sendzik did just a week ago, Lincoln Mayor Sandra Easton just announced that she, too, has caught COVID-19. (Photo: Niagara Region)

Roughly a week after St. Catharines Mayor Walter Sendzik announced he had caught COVID-19, Lincoln Mayor Sandra Easton has had to make the same announcement.

“Yesterday, I tested positive for COVID-19 after symptoms began developing on the weekend,” said Easton on her Twitter.

She used the opportunity to say being vaccinated had lessened the severity. “Thankfully, symptoms remain mild. I am proud of my decision to receive 1st, 2nd and booster doses of the vaccine. Please continue to follow public health guidelines and get your vaccine.”

She added, “I strongly urge anyone who has not received their vaccine to no longer hesitate, as it is our strongest defence against severe cases of COVID-19.”

When Niagara Region acting Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Mustafa Hirji, reposted Easton’s tweet, stressing the importance of being vaccinated, Easton responded, “Thank you Dr Hirji. My entire rib cage aches from coughing. Cannot imagine the descending lung capacity I would have otherwise without vaccination. Will be getting my second booster as soon as it is therapeutically feasible.”

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