Police hunt for witnesses after $50,000 fire damage done at Lincoln school playground


Published August 31, 2023 at 12:08 pm

Jacob Beam Public School in Beamsville. (Photo: Facebook)

Niagara Police are looking for two teenage women who might be potential witnesses to a fire that caused $50,000 worth of damage to the playground area of Jacob Beam Public School in Lincoln.

On August 23, the police responded to a fire call at the school (4300 William St.) at 10:15 a.m. The Lincoln Fire Department was on hand to put it out but not before it caused extensive damage.

The police are looking to talk to a pair of female witnesses they believe either witnessed the fire being started or perhaps were somehow involved.

They were described as white women between 16 and 18 years old, with one having long blonde hair and wearing a hooded sweatshirt.

Police are calling the incident arson and are asking teenagers in the area to come forward if they know who the women might be.

Meanwhile, the principal of the school is assuring parents that the playground will be open on Sept. 5 as school begins but that the damaged area will be fenced off.

“We are working closely with our facilities department and insurance provider to assess the damage and ensure that the area is safe for students returning to school. The District School Board of Niagara will be advancing the funds for replacement so that students will have a new playground as soon as possible,” she said in a message to parents.

Area residents are asked to review their surveillance footage. Anyone with information is asked to contact the investigating officer by dialing 905-688-4111, option 3, extension 1009023

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